Huffington Post, May 2, 2017: "The 45th Annual Kips Bay Decorator Show House"
"Richard Mishaan Design turned the Parlor Room into the perfect space for reading, relaxation, and living. The seductive mix of culture...

Curbed New York, May 1, 2017: "Inside the 2017 Kips Bay Decorator Show House"
“’All good things go together,’ designer Richard Mishaan says, explaining his design philosophy for his parlor room. Here, textiles new...

Washington Post, April 28, 2017: “Inside the 2017 Kips Bay Decorator Show House”
“For the parlor, Richard Mishaan imagined a room that was collected over time, layered with lush textiles and decorative arts.”...

Architectural Digest, "Tour the 2017 Kips Bay Show House"
“Sitting Room: Richard Mishaan. Mishaan’s ornately patterned wall is a lush backdrop for his Turkish-inspired room.”...

House Beautiful, May 3, 2017: "Our Favorite Spaces from the 2017 Kips Bay Decorator Show House&
"Richard Mishaan mixed varying patterns and textures in his drawing room at Kips Bay Showhouse 2017 to create a chic and elevated space."...

Newsday, May 5 2017: "Flights of Fancy at Kips Bay"
"Back to the 17th Century. That is not a Persian carpet on the walls of Manhattan designer Richard Mishaan's Parlor Room. It is a wall...

GQ, May 3, 2017: “The 13 Most Common Design Mistakes—And How To Fix Them”
“Richard Mishaan, who layered multiple fabrics and textiles in the parlor room, said that men are often afraid to showcase treasures from...

WNYW Fox 5 News: "“Go Inside Homes Featured In Kips Bay Decorator’s Showcase”
“Go inside homes featured in Kips Bay Decorator’s showcase.” #NewYorkInteriorDesign #WNYWFox5News #KipsBay2017Showhouse...

The Editor At Large, May 1, 2017: "Kips Bay Opens Its Doors"
"Richard Mishaan Design." #NewYorkInteriorDesign #KipsBay2017Showhouse #EditorAtLarge #RichardMishaanInteriorDesign

Town & Country, May 5, 2017: "Top Interior Designers Transform an Upper East Side Townhouse
"Richard Mishaan Design." #NewYorkInteriorDesign #KipsBay2017Showhouse #TownCountry