Departures, Spring 2014: "Pop! Goes the Beach House"
"The Sagaponack getaway of Richard Mishaan makes a deceptive first impression. As one passes through the gates toward the circular drive...

The New York Post December 2015: The World's Top 19 Hotels To Visit in 2016
"This spring, Colombian fashion designer Silvia Tcherassi unveils the long-awaited big sister to her eponymous boutique Cartagena hotel,...

Architectural Digest, May 2012: "Latin Jazz"
"Interior designer Richard Mishaan unveils a family getaway with a cross-cultural beat-- and spectacular views of old-town Cartagena....

The New York Post November 2014: "The Designer Who Dares"
"A new book reveals the elegant impact of Richard Mishaan on Gotham and beyond. In a city that the world's One Percent has turned into...

Avenue, October 2012: "The Avenue A List: The Most Influential New Yorkers of 2012"
"Richard Mishaan, Interior Designer." Avenue, October 2012 #RichardMishaan #RichardMishaanInteriorDesign #AvenueMagazine #AList

1st Dibs December 2014
"If you ask Richard Mishaan what's new, don't expect him to answer 'not much.' Instead, you'll hear a litany of design projects he's...

The New York Times, February 7th, 2013: A New Home for Homer"
"The interior designer Richard Mishaan is reintroducing Homer, the stylist shop he owned from 1997 to 2008. (It would still exist, he...

The New York Times, July 10, 2014: "Cover Artistry: Shopping With Richard Mishaan"
"To change the look of a room, you may only have to change the bedding. 'There are two things that I'm obsessed with,' says Richard...

The Wall Street Journal, August 14, 2014: "Designer Richard Mishaan's Twist on Hanging Pain
"Chock-a-block with paintings, the gallery wall is a look whose history stretches from 17th-century Paris salons to the hipster lofts of...

Luxe Interiors + Design Winter 2015: "Luxe Style Makers: Design Dialogue"
"Just as haute couture sparks a look that transcends the fashion spectrum, Richard Mishaan and his team of six designers have achieved...